lunes, 1 de febrero de 2010

S1L: Unemployment in Spain: Write a comment of this article. DO NOT transtlate it using an on-line translator: try first to make it out by yourself! If you have any doubt, Good luck!

Spain has the worst employment situation in the Eurozone. Data from the Eurostat settle Spain as the country with the highest unemployment rate in Europe. It is 19.5%, nearly the double of eurozone´s average, and it is only surpased by Latvia.
Spain has also the highest unemployment rate for the under 25 year-old workers, so it doubles the average by being now 44.5%, (it was 30.8% one year ago). Especially in women´s case, Spain has the worst data, because rate is 19.4%. Finally there are 4.300.000 people without job in Spain. There has never been so much, and it is difficult this amount decreases soon.